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Grow Your Faith

If you're looking for tools and resources to grow in your faith, we have some suggestions for you!

Of course, you can always reach out to Pastor Ryan if you have any specific questions or want to meet and discuss something.

Choosing a Bible

There are so many options out there to choose from, it can be daunting! Different translations, different publishers, different purposes. It's important to know that there is no perfect Bible translation. Every translation makes interpretive decisions that have consequences for how we read and engage with the text.

The best translation is the one you'll read and that will deepen your faith.

For a deep dive on translation history and technique, check out this article from Logos.

Translations that Pastor Ryan recommends:

  1. NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) - Pastor Ryan's primary Bible. The NRSV was the project of hundreds of scholars from different Christian and Jewish traditions. It's relatively readable and highly accurate to the spirit of the original text.

  2. CEB (Common English Bible) - one of the most recent translations and very readable. This is the translation we give to our confirmation students. It takes a fresh perspective on the text and incorporates input from many different scholars. It's also the first major translation to prominently feature women in the translation committee.

  3. NIV (New International Version) - this has become a classic in many churches and balances readability with scholarly accuracy. In many cases the translation will be similar to the NRSV.

The important thing when selecting a translation or version of the Bible is to ensure that it has good footnotes and that the translation and editorial committees are scholars from a variety of backgrounds.

Here's an example of useful notes from the CEB Study Bible.

CEB Study Bible sample page.

Resources for Kids

Balancing age-appropriate and educational material is important. The ultimate goal is to encourage children's faith and help them to know God's love. Here are some resources for young children.


Podcasts are a popular source of information and entertainment. The problem is that virtually anyone can make a podcast regardless of their actual knowledge and while hiding ulterior (theological, social, and political) motives. Here are a couple of trusted podcasts to dive into scripture and deepen your faith.


Armchair Theology

UMC pastors Clay Farrington and Ross Furio walk chapter-by-chapter through the Bible. Their passion for the text and lighthearted banter make this a very enjoyable listen. Guest scholars drop in from time to time as well.


Get Your Spirit in Shape

A podcast of the UMC that focuses on faith and life. Includes casual conversations with UM bishops, leaders, authors, pastors, and laity who help us consider ways to get our spirits in shape.


The Bible Project Podcast

This extensive podcast features many different series that will help you dive deeper into the scripture. Series include basic concepts like how to read the Bible, themes like generosity, and explorations of specific books of the Bible.

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Pray As You Go

This is a daily podcast that offers the opportunity for quiet meditation on scriptural texts and themes. The focus is on on contemplation and application of the Bible in our daily lives.

Apps & Websites

Some other ways to boost your faith with online resources.


The Bible App (YouVersion)

Features dozens of Bible translations, daily meditations and reading plans, and other resources.

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The BibleProject App

Much like YouVersion, includes articles about the Bible, reflections and meditations, and reading plans to help you dig deeper into the scriptures.


The Upper Room

The Upper Room offers more than the daily reflection magazine that is available for free at Emory! Their site includes other devotions, readings, and resources. Some are free and some require a subscription.

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